最近因為某些刺激,開始檢視自己和 David Bowie 的機緣。

影像方面,最早最早是和 Catherine Deneuve 同台演出的 The Hunger 吧。兩個來自歐洲的蒼白吸血妖魔對比新大陸活色生香的肉體 -- 啊,當年水草豐美的 Susan Sarandon -- 童年印象中這部片子很飄渺……有點色情……


經典女女情慾 -- 這當然是剝削,但好看極了。(咦,重點不是 Bowie 嗎?)

音樂方面,雖然在我小時候(對啦,又是80年代,怎樣) Bowie 有好幾首全球大賣熱門單曲 -- Let's Dance、China Girl 等等 -- 但第一首讓我有感覺的 Bowie 單曲是電影 Absolute Beginners 的同名插曲:

David Bowie, "Absolute Beginners"

很難解釋為什麼,過去二十年來,這首歌不時會在某些意外的時刻,從我體內抬起頭來。Absolute Beginners 這部復50 年代古的 80 年代電影,我沒看過。Absolute Beginners 這首歌揉合了英倫新浪潮、(偽?)復古和 Bowie 紙醉金迷的嗓音,對我來說,則是種前青春期對「御洒落」的成年人想像。

I've nothing much to offer
There's nothing much to take
I'm an absolute beginner
And I'm absolutely sane
As long as we're together
The rest can go to hell
I absolutely love you
But we're absolute beginners
With eyes completely open
But nervous all the same

If our love song
Could fly over mountains
Could laugh at the ocean
Just like the films
There's no reason
To feel all the hard times
To lay down the hard lines
It's absolutely true

Nothing much could happen
Nothing we can't shake
Oh we're absolute beginners
With nothing much at stake
As long as you're still smiling
There's nothing more I need
I absolutely love you
But we're absolute beginners
But if my love is your love
We're certain to succeed

If our love song
Could fly over mountains
Sail over heartaches
Just like the films
There's no reason
To feel all the hard times
To lay down the hard lines
It's absolutely true

Absolute Beginners 這兩個字盈滿鮮豔欲滴的想像。啊,只能說任何音樂配上 budding sexuality 都敏感的讓人想哭呀。

這是我個人 80 年代的 Tristan 和絃、瑪德蓮小蛋糕啊。

David Bowie, "Never Let Me Down"

跟很多人不一樣,我其實還挺喜歡 80 年代中後期迷失方向專唱流行歌的 Bowie,尤其是這首 "Never Let Me Down"。好的藝術家不管多無聊的題材都能玩出個鳥來,哪。

導演是著名的 Jean-Baptiste Mondino(Madonna的 "Open Your Heart"和"Justify My Love"),果然把這首歌拍得很 queer,看起來就像會被小虹老師編進教材的模樣 -- 純屬個人意見,畢竟 Queer Theory 也早已是明日黃花了。

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