明明是"Let It Die",就是非得翻成"讓她飛"不行。這是怎麼回事,音樂創作一定得當成股票明牌來操盤是吧?台灣的唱片公司再這樣故步自封食古不化,市場全面崩盤是遲早的事。
目前分類:吉光片羽 (171)
- Jun 20 Tue 2006 17:01
- Jun 19 Mon 2006 14:52
感覺頗奇怪的一首歌,前半段挺像Guns 'n Roses的November Rain,到了後頭又像是諸多Oasis偷學The Beatles的慢板歌之一。
- Jun 19 Mon 2006 14:24
The Dresden Dolls, "Coin Operated Boy"
- Jun 17 Sat 2006 06:46
看到Thom哭么的表情,映證了中文「齜牙咧嘴」這四字真言的奧義呀。不過頭頭們都聽得出來,為了順應尺度,關鍵字被修改過了 -- ㄟ,這首歌沒了那個字還叫做Creep嗎?
When you were here before
Couldn't look you in the eye
You're just like an angel
Your skin makes me cry
You float like a feather
In a beautiful world
I wish I was special
You're so fucking special
But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here
I don't care if it hurts
I want to have control
I want a perfect body
I want a perfect soul
I want you to notice when I'm not around
You're so fucking special
I wish I was special
But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell I'm doing here?
I don't belong here
She's running out again
She's running out
She runs runs runs
Whatever makes you happy
Whatever you want
You're so fucking special
I wish I was special
But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here
I don't belong here
下面這一場 – 我看哪,Thom可以去演達文西的白子殺手了:
很詭異的組合,頭頭上Arsenio Hall的秀?Thom在這場的造型會不會太像Love Actually裡的那位阿伯呀……
雞母皮都起來了啦…… Thom趕快從外太空回來吧。
最後再來一場。這場其實最符合我對的想像。一定很多人跟我一樣,聽到青木chunk chunk的時候,會幻想自己全身痙攣抽搐吧。這個嘛,你看了就知道:
唱到”I want a perfect body”時,台下有女歌迷大喊”You got it”……
前幾年島內BBS上有人連署要請頭頭臨幸福島,我必須承認我也很熱情地讚聲了。這種連署才有意義嘛。話說回來,除了頭頭之外,我好像只對Sandy Lam這麼熱情過。
Ps. 其實是前幾篇搞得好像我最愛紅唇的樣子,心裡一直有外遇偷腥的罪惡感。特此聲明,我最愛的還是頭頭啊。
- Jun 16 Fri 2006 15:09
紅唇們似乎挺愛"Bohemian Rhapsody"這首曲子,還自拍了頗為「養眼」的MV:
感想是:Wayne Coyne真的很愛演耶。他可能把自己當成George Clooney了吧。
- Jun 16 Fri 2006 15:00
本人最近最愛當屬The Flaming Lips。
先送上一段傳說中The Flaming Lips主演的"Christmas on Mars"預告片段。隨便看看,別太認真:
The Flaming Lips, "The Yeah Yeah Yeah Song"。出自2006年新專輯"At War with the Mystics"。紅唇們想批判的對象……嗯,呼之欲出。
The Flaming Lips, "Fight Test",出自打遍天下無敵手的"Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots"。純粹只是想靠片頭的蟑螂嚇嚇各位看倌,不過這張專輯真的是很認真地講述良美和粉紅機器人的戰爭耶。
The Flaming Lips, "Do You Realize",同樣出自<<良美大戰粉紅機器人>>。這就是所謂令人心痛的……美好嗎?
好啦,流完眼淚來緩和一下氣氛,紅唇們上Top of the Pops,獻唱我最喜歡的<良美大戰粉紅機器人首部曲>。
據說扮演那隻彈Bass海豚的乃Justin Timberlake本人。不過,Wayne Coyne聲音會不會太抖了點,緊張個什麼勁兒哪。
最好是變成魔鬼終結者啦,很想揍人ㄋㄟ。這首歌也有MV,請看官網的MV專區:http://www.flaminglips.com/main.php,收錄了紅唇們的影像,據說大部分的MV都是Wayne Coyne自己執導的。難怪都是他的鏡頭......
- Jun 14 Wed 2006 12:26
回應上一篇的回應,Chris Isaak很喜歡Roy的"Only the Lonely",專輯"Baja Sessions"中便收錄過這首曲子的重唱版。和原唱之間有啥差別呢?Roy是一種超越時空的寂寥,Chris無疑是睪固酮濃厚多了……
- Jun 07 Wed 2006 17:29
全然Jay and Silent Bob調調......
- May 19 Fri 2006 13:44
`Da Vinci' Mystery: How Can the Movie Be This Bad?
By Rick Warner
May 18 (Bloomberg) -- ``The Da Vinci Code'' purports to solve the greatest mystery in human history. Ron Howard's movie version of Dan Brown's mega-selling novel poses another puzzler: How could such a respected and experienced director transform this page-turning thriller into one of the most boring big- budget flicks ever made?
At an excruciatingly long 2 1/2 hours, ``Da Vinci'' works better as sedative than stimulant. It's a $125 million turkey -- a lifeless, confusing, overly talky film that's equally harsh on the ears and eyes. Viewers are assaulted with trite dialogue, cheesy flashbacks and cinematography so dark that you feel as if you're trapped in a cave.
The book is no literary masterpiece -- one critic called it a ``best-selling primer on how not to write an English sentence'' -- but at least Brown kept the story about the search for Jesus's family tree moving at a brisk pace. The movie, written by Akiva Goldsman (who collaborated with Howard on the Oscar-winning ``A Beautiful Mind''), has a poor sense of timing and little sense of humor or style.
No historical or religious background -- and the story is crammed with both -- is relayed without excessive details and pontification. Whether we're learning about the conservative Catholic sect Opus Dei, Leonardo da Vinci or the secretive Priory of Sion, it's like being trapped in history class with a windbag professor.
Wooden Hanks
Even scenes that should be fascinating -- like the one where eccentric scholar Sir Leigh Teabing (Ian McKellen) explains the hidden meaning of ``The Last Supper'' to Harvard symbology professor Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks) and police cryptologist Sophie Neveu (Audrey Tautou) -- come across as pedantic set pieces that are no more illuminating than the dim lighting.
``I'm into something here that I can't understand,'' Hanks says.
Me, too, Tom.
Hanks, a two-time Oscar winner who previously worked with Howard on ``Apollo 13'' and ``Splash,'' gives what may be his worst dramatic performance as a professor suspected of murdering a curator at the Louvre. He looks uncomfortable from start to finish -- maybe it's that goofy, slicked-back hairdo -- and his wooden manner seems more suited to a wax museum than a Hollywood blockbuster.
Wasted Cast
The distinguished supporting cast is almost entirely wasted, including Tautou, Paul Bettany as the self-flagellating albino killer, Jean Reno as the grim police captain who stalks Langdon, and Alfred Molina as a sinister bishop. Only McKellen, as the crippled Holy Grail expert, appears to be having any fun. He steals every scene he's in with his loopy looks and maniacal energy.
The millions who've read the book won't find many surprises. Those who haven't read it are likely to be confounded by the intricate plot, which starts out as a murder mystery and turns into a search for the long-buried secret of Jesus's personal life.
Under attack by outraged Catholics and offended albinos, the film's producers shrouded ``The Da Vinci Code'' in secrecy and refused to show it to critics until the last minute. That was probably a wise choice. Although it's bound to be a box- office hit on opening weekend because of the built-in audience, word of mouth may break this code.
``The Da Vinci Code,'' from Columbia Pictures, opens worldwide today and tomorrow.
- May 04 Thu 2006 15:51
岔開重點了,不必去看小螢幕電視劇格局的MI:3了,整齣戲有如某人的PR長片 + 雙面女間諜。這筆錢倒不如省下來去看看印度的真情羅曼史,何況人家的愛情戲感人自然多了。