大家都聽過>,但我最喜歡的伯恩斯坦歌曲是出自Candide>裡頭這闋"Glitter and Be Gay" -- 欸,你沒看錯,歌名真的是這樣。只不過此gay非彼gay -- 話說回來,對伯恩斯坦來說,一切都可gay吧?
Natalie Dessay, "Glitter and Be Gay"
我對Natalie Dessay的感情向來很複雜。理智上說來,我是喜歡她的。但純粹就感官而言,我似乎並沒真的那麼愛她。
不過這裡現場的"Glitter and Be Gay"真是唱得好極了,Natalie Dessay實在適合這種精神狀態不大正常的角色(笑)。不過我想很多人心中完美的"Glitter and Be Gay",是Renee Fleming那種>裡白蘭琪般南方風騷佳人的癲狂韻味吧。改天找出來仙拚仙一下。
PS. 不知不覺中,此花系列已然變成接龍遊戲?
Glitter and be gay,
That's the part I play;
Here I am in Paris, France,
Forced to bend my soul
To a sordid role,
Victimized by bitter, bitter circumstance.
Alas for me! Had I remained
Beside my lady mother,
My virtue had remained unstained
Until my maiden hand was gained
By some Grand Duke or other.
Ah, 'twas not to be;
Harsh necessity
Brought me to this gilded cage.
Born to higher things,
Here I droop my wings,
Ah! Singing of a sorrow nothing can assuage.
And yet of course I rather like to revel,
Ha ha!
I have no strong objection to champagne,
Ha ha!
My wardrobe is expensive as the devil,
Ha ha!
Perhaps it is ignoble to complain...
Enough, enough
Of being basely tearful!
I'll show my noble stuff
By being bright and cheerful!
Ha ha ha ha ha! Ha!
Pearls and ruby rings...
Ah, how can worldly things
Take the place of honor lost?
Can they compensate
For my fallen state,
Purchased as they were at such an awful cost?
Can they dry my tears?
Can they blind my eyes to shame?
Can the brightest brooch
Shield me from reproach?
Can the purest diamond purify my name?
And yet of course these trinkets are endearing,
Ha ha!
I'm oh, so glad my sapphire is a star,
Ha ha!
I rather like a twenty-carat earring,
Ha ha!
If I'm not pure, at least my jewels are!
Enough! Enough!
I'll take their diamond necklace
And show my noble stuff
By being gay and reckless!
Ha ha ha ha ha! Ha!
Observe how bravely I conceal
The dreadful, dreadful shame I feel.
Ha ha ha ha!
- Jan 19 Fri 2007 18:06