- Jun 14 Wed 2006 12:26
- Jun 12 Mon 2006 16:33
Chris Isaak在某方面可說是完美的加州海灘男孩:永遠孩子氣的憂鬱臉孔、塊塊肌肉分明的身材、會彈吉他唱歌組團、甚至還會演戲……只不過他身旁的時空似乎永恆凝止在50年代某個夏日午後的舊金山灣,於是他終究沒能長大成為世紀末頹靡的另類Grunge嘻哈巨星。
- Jun 12 Mon 2006 16:07
Oh Pretty Woman 大家耳熟能詳,但你一定沒聽過Johnny Cash唱的版本吧。
看過"Walk the Line"的人一定曉得Roy Orbison和Johnny Cash交情匪淺。當年Roy剛出道時,Johnny還一口打包票,只要報出他的名號,Sun Records的老闆一定會簽下Roy。結果呢……當然唱片公司老大不甩他,也因此錯失Roy Orbison這位奇才。
- Jun 07 Wed 2006 17:29
全然Jay and Silent Bob調調......
- Jun 07 Wed 2006 17:09
- Jun 05 Mon 2006 14:53
"Murphy Brown"有一集演到Murphy Brown在酒吧裡遇見故人,兩人提起70年代青春往事。一向很Man的Murphy Brown(小朋友們可能不曉得,演Murphy Brown的是外表美艷但聲音很陽剛的Candice Bergen)當場不給男人面子,直說男人當年喜愛的鐵定是Bee Gees,她大爺可是只聽Fleetwood Mac。
來緬懷一下70年代風情。Fleetwood Mac名作。要人家走,還那麼淒厲哀絕,聽了叫人嚥不下滿腹心酸,真是夠了。
- Jun 05 Mon 2006 14:34
以前對Elliott Smith的感覺還好,沒到特別喜歡的地步。他死後照例眾人同聲惋惜,不同的是,身邊友人都說其實事有徵兆。
一群人翻唱Elliott Smith的歌曲守靈。雖然對這些歌談不上熟悉,不過感覺唱歌的人一定很珍惜這些曲子,並沒有人惡搞。第一次聽到致敬專輯這麼地……想念一個人。巨大而無法填補的空虛。
送上因"Good Will Hunting"聲名大噪的"Miss Misery"一曲。現在聽來--這就是所謂的一語成讖嗎?
"i'll fake it through the day
with some help from johnny walker red
send the poison rain down the drain
to put bad thoughts in my head
two tickets torn in half
and a lot of nothing to do
do you miss me, miss misery
like you say you do?"
"To: Elliott From: Portland"
Everyone needs to be found by someone. I guess.
- Jun 05 Mon 2006 01:04
- Jun 05 Mon 2006 00:46
- May 26 Fri 2006 12:38
以下是世界聞名的Time雜誌上,作家Douglas Coupland專訪的一段內容。(對了,文章標題叫做"Is Google God?"。)
該位仁兄寫過一本小說叫"Microserfs",最新力作叫"J Pod"。這樣各位瞭解他是怎樣的人了吧。(該不會島內一堆Jxx的藝人也在打這個名字的主意吧?)
TIME: In JPod you compare Google to God. Why?
DC: Not so much Google itself, but the way you feel after using it really intensely for a long time. Suddenly you know the answer to everything. I used to be one of those people who was going through the reference section of the local library. I used to phone up Merriam-Webster in Springfield, Massachusetts — by the way, they loved it — and ask a question about a neologism or something. Now you just burn out on knowing the answer to everything. This is what God must be like knowing everything. How many times have I been in a restaurant and wanted to clap my hands and have Google come down from ceiling and solve an argument?
- May 19 Fri 2006 13:44
`Da Vinci' Mystery: How Can the Movie Be This Bad?
By Rick Warner
May 18 (Bloomberg) -- ``The Da Vinci Code'' purports to solve the greatest mystery in human history. Ron Howard's movie version of Dan Brown's mega-selling novel poses another puzzler: How could such a respected and experienced director transform this page-turning thriller into one of the most boring big- budget flicks ever made?
At an excruciatingly long 2 1/2 hours, ``Da Vinci'' works better as sedative than stimulant. It's a $125 million turkey -- a lifeless, confusing, overly talky film that's equally harsh on the ears and eyes. Viewers are assaulted with trite dialogue, cheesy flashbacks and cinematography so dark that you feel as if you're trapped in a cave.
The book is no literary masterpiece -- one critic called it a ``best-selling primer on how not to write an English sentence'' -- but at least Brown kept the story about the search for Jesus's family tree moving at a brisk pace. The movie, written by Akiva Goldsman (who collaborated with Howard on the Oscar-winning ``A Beautiful Mind''), has a poor sense of timing and little sense of humor or style.
No historical or religious background -- and the story is crammed with both -- is relayed without excessive details and pontification. Whether we're learning about the conservative Catholic sect Opus Dei, Leonardo da Vinci or the secretive Priory of Sion, it's like being trapped in history class with a windbag professor.
Wooden Hanks
Even scenes that should be fascinating -- like the one where eccentric scholar Sir Leigh Teabing (Ian McKellen) explains the hidden meaning of ``The Last Supper'' to Harvard symbology professor Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks) and police cryptologist Sophie Neveu (Audrey Tautou) -- come across as pedantic set pieces that are no more illuminating than the dim lighting.
``I'm into something here that I can't understand,'' Hanks says.
Me, too, Tom.
Hanks, a two-time Oscar winner who previously worked with Howard on ``Apollo 13'' and ``Splash,'' gives what may be his worst dramatic performance as a professor suspected of murdering a curator at the Louvre. He looks uncomfortable from start to finish -- maybe it's that goofy, slicked-back hairdo -- and his wooden manner seems more suited to a wax museum than a Hollywood blockbuster.
Wasted Cast
The distinguished supporting cast is almost entirely wasted, including Tautou, Paul Bettany as the self-flagellating albino killer, Jean Reno as the grim police captain who stalks Langdon, and Alfred Molina as a sinister bishop. Only McKellen, as the crippled Holy Grail expert, appears to be having any fun. He steals every scene he's in with his loopy looks and maniacal energy.
The millions who've read the book won't find many surprises. Those who haven't read it are likely to be confounded by the intricate plot, which starts out as a murder mystery and turns into a search for the long-buried secret of Jesus's personal life.
Under attack by outraged Catholics and offended albinos, the film's producers shrouded ``The Da Vinci Code'' in secrecy and refused to show it to critics until the last minute. That was probably a wise choice. Although it's bound to be a box- office hit on opening weekend because of the built-in audience, word of mouth may break this code.
``The Da Vinci Code,'' from Columbia Pictures, opens worldwide today and tomorrow.
- May 15 Mon 2006 15:15
從Billboard偷過來的。噓 -- 不要告訴別人。
Thom Yorke Solo Album Due In July
May 13, 2006, 10:15 AM ET
Jonathan Cohen, N.Y.
Radiohead frontman Thom Yorke's debut solo album, "The Eraser," will be released in July via XL Recordings. The set was produced and arranged by longtime Radiohead collaborator Nigel Godrich. "Inevitably it is more beats and electronics, but it [is] songs," Yorke says of the project in an email to members of Radiohead's W.A.S.T.E. fan organization.
"The elements have been kicking round now for a few years and needed to be finished and I have been itching to do something like this for ages," he continues. "It was fun and quick to do." One track, "Black Swan," will run over the end credits of director Richard Linklater's upcoming film, "A Scanner Darkly."
With Radiohead having just kicked off a European tour and debuting a wealth of new material, Yorke insists his own musical ambitions have not outpaced the band's.
"As you know the band are now touring and writing new stuff and getting to a good space so I want no crap about me being a traitor or whatever splitting up blah blah," he writes. "This was all done with their blessing. And I don't wanna hear that word solo. Doesn't sound right."
- May 15 Mon 2006 14:59