方才在寫那篇 The Dodos 的文章,提到我喜歡的歌曲共通之處時,心裡便一直唸著要把 Belle & Sebastian 的 "She's Losing It" 找出來。結果,voilà!
Belle & Sebastian, "She's Losing It (Live at Lowlands Festival 2006)
聽到沒,管樂加上輕跳的節拍 -- 但這首歌內容之灰暗是會令人想死的。
從開始寫網誌以來,我已經不曉得多少次提起這首在我人生中扮演重要角色的歌曲。(想起來了沒,餘味惡劣的黑咖啡和乾巴巴的白吐司?)就算 Belle & Sebastian 只唱過這首歌,我也會感謝上天讓我在每次低潮時都能抓著這片浮木撐過去。(是說還要好運沒碰到海裡的鯊魚。還有其實 Belle & Sebastian 之後的每張專輯我也都很喜愛啦。)
Don't know if I'll make it through this winter without you by my side
I waited for you so long while I traveled far and wide
Convinced myself there's no one better, so how can I deny
Your love, it's like a thorn into my side
My friends they understand me better but don't whisper goodnight
I want a lover and a sister, but we know that's not right
You used to listen to my music, I always wondered why
I wish I could pretend you make me try
I want the days to come, I want these sleepless nights to end
I lie here thinking how I lost you to all your stupid friends
You made me feel so foolish for the twenty-second time
Your love might be the last time that I try
Don't know if I'll make it through this winter without you on my own
I waited here for you forever, I can't believe you'd go
I may not have the answers, but I'd rather never know
Your love was such a heavy, heavy blow
Goodnight my love, you seemed so nice 'til I knew you better
Now I can tell you're always thinking twice about what might be better
On the outside, there's no conscience, you're a victim of your cautiousness
You don't try, you just lie there hoping that someone will come to make it right
欸,請問一下路易西安那州 Bon Temps 鎮的居民是怎麼一回事?自己親愛的人過往了,下葬後大家紛紛一轉頭便尋找他人肉體的慰藉是怎樣?
啊,我都忘了 Bon Temps 就是好時光嘛。
不過我實在得稱讚一下飾演 Jason Stackhouse 的 Ryan Kwanten,當他赤裸著身體被一個他根本想不起來叫什麼名字的女人壓在身上時,臉上那反正我已經放棄自己了的難過,著實教我感同身受。I got you, bro。
還有還有,不愧是拍過 Six Feet Under 的劇組,處理人們面對死亡/離別的態度,真是教人激賞啊。Sookie (Anna Paquin) 為了奶奶冰箱裡剩下的半塊胡桃派失控抓狂,差點沒把整屋子來弔唁的鎮民趕走。葬禮結束後,Sookie 回家打開冰箱,拿出那剩下一半的派(不會有人白目到要跟我爭辯這是「幸好還剩一半」還是「糟糕只剩一半」吧),一口一口和著眼淚吃完。