U2的The Joshua Tree已經問世二十年。



大家應該都聽過"With or Without You",但我要推薦私心偏愛的"Red Hill Mining Town"。這首歌當初沒推出單曲,因此聽過的人應該不多。但Bono那後人無法拷貝的高音加上福音曲式,這二十年來不時在熱氣蒸騰的晴空下如海市蜃樓浮現。

U2, "Red Hill Mining Town"

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Bite you. Bite me...

おしりかじり虫 --> 有英語字幕。這......這歌讓小朋友聽恰當嗎?

おしりかじり虫(Music Japan, Nov. 17, 2007)


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同樣出身自選秀節目"The X Factor"的 Leon Jackson,翻唱 Whitney Houston 和 Mariah Carey 合作的"When You Believe"。

Leon Jackson, "When You Believe"



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想不紅都很難的Leona Lewis -- 至少在英國啦。

Leona Lewis, "Bleeding Love"

出身自英國選秀節目"The X Factor"。

估計明年極有機會出頭的聲音 -- 對,趁新鮮感被炒爛之前聽聽看吧。



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先來聽首之前介紹過的歌曲 (之一 / 之二),Justice的" D.A.N.C.E "。若要排個2007年度十大,這首歌在本人心中坐三望二搶第一。

Justice, "D.A.N.C.E"


去年這樣一聽傾心的歌曲當屬 Peter Bjorn & John 的 "Young Folks"

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沒特別喜歡過Dan Fogelberg,但國中時有一陣子整個人走溫情路線,還會去買齊豫的卡帶來聽(溫情指數約莫跟上頭抄寫席慕蓉詩句的小卡片差不多)。"Longer"是其中還不錯的一首歌。

Dan Fogelberg, "Longer"

老一代的台灣大專生好像都還挺愛Dan Fogelberg的。前幾天剛在iPod裡灌入"Longer",沒想到原唱者撐不到天長地久就離我們遠去了。

Longer than there've been fishes in the ocean
Higher than any bird ever flew
Longer than there've been stars up in the heavens
I've been in love with you

Stronger than any mountain cathedral
Truer than any tree ever grew
Deeper than any forest primeval
I am in love with you

I'll bring fires in the winters
You'll send showers in the springs
We'll fly through the falls and summers
With love on our wings

Through the years as the fire starts to mellow
Burning lines in the book of our lives
Though the binding cracks
And the pages start to yellow
I'll be in love with you
I'll be in love with you

Longer than there've been fishes in the ocean
Higher than any bird ever flew
Longer than there've been stars up in the heavens
I've been in love with you
I am in love with you

前面講到了齊豫,還記得那張專輯的主打歌是翻唱自Chris de Burgh的"Borderline"。當年台灣人特愛聽台灣歌星唱英文歌,連米國電視影集都偏愛配音的版本。怪。

Chris de Burgh, "Borderline"

I'm standing in the station,
I am waiting for a train,
To take me to the border,
And my loved one far away;
I watched a bunch of soldiers heading for the war,
I could hardly even bear to see them go;

Rolling through the countryside,
Tears are in my eyes,
We're coming to the borderline,
I'm ready with my lies,
And in the early morning rain, I see her there,
And I know I'll have to say goodbye again;

And it's breaking my heart, I know what I must do,
I hear my country call me, but I want to be with you,
I'm talking my side, one of use will lose,
Don't let go, I want to know
That you will wait for me until the day,
There's no borderline, no borderline;

Walking past the border guards,
Reaching for her hand,
Showing no emotion,
I want to break into a run,
But these are only boys, and I will never know
How men can see the wisdom in a war...

And it's breaking my heart, I know what I must do,
I hear my country call me, but I want to be with you,
I'm taking my side, one of us will lose,
Don't let go, I want to know
That you will wait for me until the day,
There's no borderline, no borderline,
No borderline, no borderline...


是說國中時我還挺愛這首歌的 -- 夠席慕蓉了吧。

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我們那個時代的搖滾女神Ann Wilson老當益壯,進入新世紀後推出首張個人專輯 Hope & Glory。

咦,你問 Ann Wilson 是誰?她是 Cameron Crowe 老婆 Nancy Wilson 的老姊,就是 Heart 的絕代雙驕之一咩。人家兩姐妹據說小時候跟著當兵的老爸住過台灣,光是看在這一點的份上,你就該 -- 嗯,仔細聽聽人家唱什麼。

Hope & Glory 這張專輯中,Ann Wilson 選擇翻唱了一些過往的歌曲。風格不如初期的Heart來得迷幻,也不似80年代以芭樂歌稱霸樂壇時那麼灑狗血,整體來說有點反璞歸真的 acoustic 感覺(還是有穿插點小電的部份啦)。

整個歌單中最理所當然的選擇,自然是翻玩 Led Zeppelin 的"Immigrant Song"。據說住過天母的威爾森大姐果然深得我心,Heart 的風格不管早期晚期都聽得出來深受 Led Zeppelin 影響,而這首"Immigrant Song"也是不才小弟個人最喜愛的歌曲之一。

Ann Wilson, "Immigrant Song"

以下是 Led Zeppelin 的現場表演。

Led Zeppelin, "Immigrant Song"


下面這一小段,是電影 School of Rock 裡頭 Jack Black 跟著唱"Immigrant Song"的片段。

說到電影就想到來自西雅圖的威爾森姐妹之一 Nancy 的老公 Cameron Crowe,當年在Grunge風潮方興未艾之時,在西雅圖拍了一部推波助瀾的潮流電影Singles。

這部片的原聲帶當年名震一時,收錄乍露頭角的 Pearl Jam 與 Smashing Pumpkins 的歌曲,並收錄了威爾森姐妹玩票另組的 The Lovemongers 翻唱(依然是)Led Zeppelin 的 Battle of Evermore。


The Lovemongers, "Battle of Evermore"

回頭看看自己寫的文字,Led Zeppelin --> Heart (The Wilsons) --> Seattle --> Grunge --> Crowe --> Heart (The Wilsons) --> Led Zeppelin……


Led Zeppelin 的境界果然是神的領域哪。

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Bach - Weihnachtsoratorium: 1. Teil Am 1. Weihnachtstage: 1. Coro: 'Jauchzet, frohlocket'

啊,當年的 Harnoncourt 好年輕哪(廢話連篇)......

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Billie Holiday, "I'm a Fool to Want You"

Probably my very favorite Lady Day song.

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越獄奇譚 少女囚犯藏身行李箱中被挾帶出獄 法新社
更新日期:2007/10/30 05:50 記者:張佑之

(法新社漢諾威二十九日電) 德國警方今天說,一名十九歲少女似乎藉藏身在另一名獲釋獄友的行李箱內,而逃出了該國西北部的一座少年看守所。 警方說,位於紐斯塔的這座看守所警衛表示,二十六日獲釋的十八歲少女,手中行李箱特別沈重,但當時警衛並未加以搜查。 上述十九歲少女憑空消失一事,直到數小時後,所方展開傍晚例行巡查牢房時,才被管理人員發現,目前警方正追查這兩名少女的下落。

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Led Zeppelin 傳奇主唱 Robert Plant 搭檔草根音樂女王 Alison Krauss --


Alison Krauss and Robert Plant Duet for Raising Sand

以上這段影片是關於 Raising Sand 專輯的訪談。

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Apple iPad

這一段在前幾個禮拜 MADtv 的 Most Wanted 回顧中再度現身。

個人對 iPad 的防毒功能倒是很有深入瞭解的興趣。

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金髮鄉村天后Dolly Parton對台妹天后隔空喊話?

Dolly Parton, "Jolene"(1974年電視版)

Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
I'm begging of you please don't take my man
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
Please don't take him just because you can
Your beauty is beyond compare
With flaming locks of auburn hair
With ivory skin and eyes of emerald green

Your smile is like a breath of spring
Your voice is soft like summer rain
And I cannot compete with you, Jolene

He talks about you in his sleep
There's nothing I can do to keep
From crying when he calls your name, Jolene

And I can easily understand
How you could easily take my man
But you don't know what he means to me, Jolene

Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
I'm begging of you please don't take my man
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
Please don't take him just because you can

You could have your choice of men
But I could never love again
He's the only one for me, Jolene

I had to have this talk with you
My happiness depends on you
And whatever you decide to do, Jolene

Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
I'm begging of you please don't take my man
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
Please don't take him even though you can
Jolene, Jolene

好啦,我是故意的。兩者之間當然沒關係 -- 不過我一直覺得台灣女性典範的英文名字當初就是拼錯的,我還真沒看過有多少人名字拼成Jolin。

話說回來,要是Jolin有朝一日身材變得跟Dolly一樣 -- 英文傳說中的Hourglass沙漏身形 -- 或許也是因為前輩早在70年代就寫歌加持的緣故吧……(才怪)

The White Stripes, "Jolene"





Dolly Parton, Jolene

冠軍單曲"Jolene"自然稱得上是Dolly的招牌歌,但這張專輯中還收錄了一首日後威震四海的無敵名曲 -- "I Will Always Love You"。

根據史家的說法,Jolene這張專輯是Dolly Parton離開The Porter Wagoner Show單飛的首張大碟,"I Will Always Love You"這首歌其實是寫給老東家聽的 -- 放走這隻金雞母,有誰聽了這首歌不會熱淚兩行?

噢,對了,在電影中邊演邊唱這首歌也非愛不對人的Whitney Houston專利所有。人家Dolly在1982年的 The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas >就做過這件事了。

Dolly Parton, "I Will Always Love You"

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