- Nov 02 Wed 2005 21:09
- Oct 31 Mon 2005 18:42
- Oct 27 Thu 2005 18:34
電幻為底,古典為體,調入弦樂和人聲,差一點點就會變成……嗯,百貨公司電梯裡很恐怖的那種電子合成器演奏古典音樂(我居然馬上想到William Orbit的Pieces in a Modern Style),但幸好沒有。
光是讀曲目就決定勝負(雖然橫田君玩弄的也是古典Top 40曲目 – 德彪西的<<月光>>、柴可夫斯基的<<天鵝湖>>、馬斯康尼<<鄉間騎士>>間奏曲云云):
1. Long Long Silk Bridge
2. Purple Rose Minuet
3. Traveller In The Wonderland
4. Song Of The Sleeping Forest
5. The Plateau Which The Zephyr Of Flora Occupies
6. Fairy Dance Of Twinkle And Shadow
7. Flaming Love And Destiny
8. The Dying Black Swan
9. Blue Sky And Yellow Sunflower
10. Capriccio And The Innovative Composer
11. I Close The Door Upon Myself
12. Symbol Of Life, Love And Aesthetics
13. Music From The Lake Surface
Susumu Yokota, "Symbol"
- Oct 27 Thu 2005 13:46
上週末,不顧似乎永遠進行式中的拉丁影展,前往改頭換面中的華納威秀看了場午夜電影。難得的大放映廳裡面 -- 「有沒有搞錯,就我們兩個人……還有另外一對,總共四枚。」我索性脫了鞋子,翹腳平躺看電影。
從當年跑影展時期,在短暫成為藝術電影院的光復戲院裡才看得到的短片系列(把月球當成大乳酪的Wallace是嗜吃cheese and cracker的英國佬),到現在登上跨國連鎖影城的全美賣座冠軍片(Gromit依然夠酷,沒像哥吉拉一樣淪落為侏儸紀公園走失的恐龍),最令人佩服的是製作班底依然堅持英倫原味,繼續掰他們的英國式冷笑話。幸好Gromit沒變成史奴比或叔比狗,不然我可能會在戲院裡嚎啕大哭,緬懷那走味的……香肉?
不過這裡要附上一則令人悲傷的消息:http://www.cnn.com/2005/SHOWBIZ/Movies/10/10/aardman.fire/,一場大火把製作公司Aardman的倉庫燒個精光,所有Wallace & Gromit的布景和道具都沒了,連>的也一樣……
- Oct 26 Wed 2005 23:15
Too marvelous for words
- Oct 26 Wed 2005 17:09
聽到Mylo 的 "Destroy Rock & Roll" 一曲中反覆召喚的名字而不血脈賁張者,你的80年代真的是白活了。
All perversions of the third eye
through distorted and exaggerated images,
perverted movements of the body and breakdancing,
and other forms of dancing,
and we especially call for the judgement in this hour
and the destroying of rock music directed
specifically against children
through the videos that were portrayed,
and working specifically through these individuals,
for whom we call for
the judgement of the sacred fire of this hour,
before the throne of almighty god,
Michael Jackson,
Bruce Springsteen,
Tina Turner,
David Bowie,
Van Halen,
Huey Lewis & The News,
The Cars,
Herbie Hancock,
Bonnie Tyler,
Stevie Nicks,
Men At Work,
ZZ Top,
Paul MCartney & Michael Jackson,
Weird Al Yankovic,
Cyndi Lauper,
Pink Floyd,
The Pretenders,
Billy Joel,
Billy Idol,
Elton John,
Neil Young,
Sheena Easton,
Patty Smith & Scandal,
Big Country,
Morris Day & The Sign,
John Lennon,
Audio speed wagon,
David Gilhorn,
The Rolling Stones,
Pat Benetar,
Hall & Oats,
Randy Jackson,
Adam Ant,
Christine Lavin,
Fleetwood Mac,
The Alan Parsons Project,
Bruce Springfield,
The Thompson Twins,
Missing Persons,
Duran Duran,
Culture Club including Boy George,
Band Aid,
[Repeat over again up to......]
Missing Persons,
Duran Duran,
Missing Persons,
Duran Duran,.....
Duran Duran
Duran Duran
Duran Duran.......
[Repeat over again from Michael Jackson......]
Culture Club including Boy George,
Band Aid,
Stevie Wonder........(Fade Out)
- Oct 25 Tue 2005 17:44
但是我也得向大家坦承我錯了。說起來也好玩,這位米希亞因為這種操作手法,似乎也是台灣最容易接觸到的葡萄牙Fado歌手了。相較於Fado界江惠Amalia Rodriques的草根性濃烈,Misia其實比較走文藝路線。在下圖第一張>(隨便翻的,我也不知道這是什麼意思)中,當代古典音樂界葡萄牙籍女鋼琴家第一把交椅(這很明顯看得出來是被側標污染過的文字,嗚呼哀哉)Maria Joao Pires也前來助陣。第二張Canto中則是獻唱作曲家Carlos Paredes的作品輯。
最下面一張封面是2005年最新專輯Drama Box,這回Misia拓寬觸角,除了拿手的Fado,也選唱了Tango和Bolero等曲式,整張風格更為多元化,她的嗓音也變得更加沉鬱。其中穿插了Misia用各種語言唸出的口白,其實我覺得她口語的韻律甚至比歌謠更為迷人……最後Misia也挑戰了Piazzolla的”Yo soy Maria”,但我覺得不算特別成功,我老是覺得她的探戈快要脫拍了 – 說到這,倒是提醒了我12月我愛的Gidon Kremer來之前,把他主導的那套Maria de Buenos Aires再拿出來複習一下。
...the world is much bigger than you'd like to think...
- Oct 14 Fri 2005 15:12
And while there are plenty of other equally first-rate versions of the Brandenburgs on period instruments around, none surely has such a baffling cover illustration as this - a stag walking up the ramp of a multi-storey car park.
這是張很搖擺的Bach,灑進了一絲低緯度的和煦陽光。還送一張DVD呢 – 你說啥?我又因為貪小便宜敗家了嗎?
- Oct 14 Fri 2005 13:13
我常覺得,當初沒因為討厭葛萊美獎而錯過Bonnie Raitt,實在是人生中很幸運的事。
A friend of mine she cries at night, and she
Calls me on the phone
Sees babies everywhere she goes and she
Wants one of her own.
She's waited long enough she says
And still she can't decide
Pretty soon she'll have to choose and it tears her up inside...
She's scared...scared she'll run out of time.
I see my folks, they're getting old, I watch their bodies change...
I know they see the same in me, And it makes us both feel strange...
No matter how you tell yourself, It's what we all go through...
Those eyes are pretty hard to take when they're staring' back at you.
Scared you'll run out of time.
When did the choices get so hard?
With so much more at stake.
Life gets mighty precious when there's less of it to waste.
Hummmm...Scared she'll run out of time.
Just when I thought I'd had enough
And all my tears were shed...
No promise left unbroken,
There were no painful words unsaid.
You came along and showed me
How to leave it all behind....
You opened up my heart again and then much to my surprise.
I found love, Love in the Nick of Time. 3x
- Oct 13 Thu 2005 17:10
- Sep 30 Fri 2005 12:54
有沒有注意到,英文片名叫做”Heart Under Blade”?倭國人真是得人疼,不過他們認識的漢字也有限,難怪能這樣拆開來慢慢玩。
當年我還青春年少時,在海濱的圖書館辦了個系學會展,主題呼應當年熱門電影(其實是因為我愛吃……)-- 反正呢,兩個在樓上國際會議中心開完會的倭國教授經過會場,看到海報仔細端詳一會便開始竊笑。我上前盡責地介紹本次展覽的主題 – 才怪,當然是問他們在搞什麼鬼。教授這時點出「飲食男女」這四個字的奧妙,原來在他們的拆字理解中,這四個字讀起來像「飲」「食男」「女」,“man-eating woman” – 把男人拆食入腹的女子啊。
- Sep 30 Fri 2005 11:56
Lisa knows a girl who's been abused
It changed her philosophy in '82
She's always looking for a fight
She keeps the neighbours up all night
I go to her when I'm feeling slack
The girl's using me as a punching bag
I think that I could help her out
But the girl's got a lot to be mad about
But in the first moment of her waking up
She knows she's losing it, yeah she's losing it
When the first cup of coffee tastes like washing up
She knows she's losing it, yeah she's losing
Yeah she's losing it
Lisa met Chelsea at the knocking school
Chelsea didn't feel like following the rules
So they left the place for another school
Where the boys go with boys and the girls with girls
Chelsea was the ONE who's been abused
It changed her philosophy in '82
She says, "Inch for inch and pound for pound"
Who needs boys when there's Lisa round?"
BUT in the first moment of her waking up
She knows she's losing it, yeah she's losing it
When the first cup of coffee tastes like washing up
She knows she's losing it, yeah she's losing it
She goes to the mirror to put on her stuff
She knows she's losing it, oh yeah she's losing it
When she doesn't speak to anyone till four o'clock
She knows she's losing it, yeah she's losing it
Oh yeah she's losing it…