


Serena-Maneesh, "Drain Cosmetics"。好聽哪。

有人說他們是Shoegazing低頭看地板一派,叫人不想到My Bloody Valentine的確很難。不過Serena-Maneesh有些段落根本就是金屬聲響了吧,我認為。

Serena-Maneesh, "Serena-Maneesh"

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Yo La Tengo在巴塞隆納Primavera Sound 2006演唱新專輯I Am Not Afraid of You and I Will Beat Your Ass中的新曲"Mr. Tough"。

Yo La Tengo, "Mr. Tough"。

跟前兩張kind of blue、好聽到不行的And Then Nothing Turned Itself Inside-Out和Summer Sun比較起來,新專輯的風格反而有點回歸早期的甜美噪音取向,不過還是一樣動聽啦。

誰叫他們是 -- 「優啦!糖果」呢?

Yo La Tengo, "I Am Not Afraid of You and I Will Beat Your Ass"。

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不廢話了。9月9日去國家音樂廳看了我私心愛慕已久的Brad Mehldau三重奏。票早在會員預購時第一時間下手,第八排的位置足以讓我捕捉到台上的一舉一動(包括鼓手Jeff Ballard小心翼翼把脚抽離鈴鼓卻依然鏗鏘一聲的尷尬片刻)。


沒到場聽Brad Mehldau的各位親朋好友,以下就是你們錯過的魔幻時光。

"She's Leaving Home"。Beatles名曲,那一夜Brad三人也玩了這首歌。

"Exit Music (For a Film)"。Radiohead名曲,也變成Brad的標準曲之一。咦,當天Brad彈的是哪一首?啊,老虎老鼠傻傻分不清楚...... -- 瞧,各位鄉親,你們錯過了多麼美好的一個夜晚。

據說也彈了Soundgarden的"Black Hole Sun";encore曲還包括Nick Drake的"River Man"(喔,布萊德,你真的知道我愛哪一款)。但爵士標準曲"The Very Thought of You"更令人深深體認,真要芭樂的話,Brad叫人全身寒毛直豎雞母皮掉滿地的功力當今無人能敵啊。


後來才知道當天也去聽Brad Mehldau的白蘭蒂和丁學長,算你們夫妻有福氣啊。

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Cocteau Twins, "Rilkean Heart"。


若說Elizabeth Fraser是渾然天成的美聲,王菲是精雕細琢的仿作 -- 那Jolin,你是什麼?


Rilkean Heart
I looked for you to give me transcendent experiences
To transport me out of self and aloneness sent alienation
Into a sense of oneness and connection, ecstatic and magical
I became a junkie for it
I come looking for the next high and I'm sorry I've been putting the search
on the wrong place

I understand that you're confused, feeling overwhelmed
Well that's a feeling state from then, the reality

With cleaning up my emotional life and getting in touch with myself
I'm beginning to ground myself in my own sense of being as an entity
One entity on the planet,
Becoming truly self reliant
And become connected with something beyond me
That is where I have to go
I'm so sorry I've been putting the search on the wrong place

You're lost and don't know what to do
But that's not all of you
That's your reality today
And that is all okay

I understand that you're confused, feeling overwhelmed
Well that's a feeling state from then, the reality

Rilkean heart

heart x7
I'm lost I don't know what to do
It's not all on you
That's the reality today
Right now it's all okay
I understand that you're confused
Feeling overwhelmed
Love's a feeling straight from then
The reality

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英國水星獎(Mercury Prize)出爐,打響MySpace自我行銷手法的Arctic Monkeys,繼年初獲得評論與商業上雙重勝利後再下一城,打敗另外兩位大熱門Richard Hawley和Thom Yorke,抱得大獎歸。

先來聽專輯Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not 中的一首歌曲"A View From the Afternoon"。

Arctic Monkeys, "A View From the Afternoon"。

根據Pitchfork的描述,聽到得獎消息後,Alex Turner大喊:"Somebody call 999 [911 to Americans], Richard Hawley's been robbed!"


這樣說來,我也比較希望Richard Hawley得獎的樣子。


Richard Hawley, "Cole's Corner"


對了,Cole's Corner是Richard Hawley家鄉大家約會見面的地方。大概等同於上世紀的大統透明電梯前吧。

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不囉唆,立刻送上一曲Thompson Twins名作"Lay Your Hands on Me"。

Thompson Twins, "Lay Your Hands on Me"。

看到這支MV裡的Alannah Currie敲打著電顫琴,我突然有所領悟。其實我喜歡的歌曲有其共通點,那就是節奏組的表現要有特色。從最初的Howard Jones到後來的Steve Winwood、Peter Gabriel乃至世界音樂時期的Paul Simon等等皆然。我就是受不了軟趴趴的歌曲。對了,我也無法抗拒銅管啊……

話說當年剛上國中的我一直覺得這首歌色色的。這可算是我最喜歡的Thompson Twins之一,另外一首是"King for a Day"。

Thompson Twins, "King for a Day"。

每次聽到這首歌,都會想起剛上國中時有一陣子會到民族陸橋下某個俱樂部(?)學網球 -- 對,沒錯,我也幻想過自己能站上溫布頓哪……。別問我這首歌和網球有何祕而不宣的關聯,回憶就是如此馬德里不可思議啊。

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倘若,你的人生中很不幸不曾擁有過New Order的回憶,容我提醒你,原曲是New Order的"Bizarre Love Triangle"。

New Order, "Bizarre Love Triangle"。

Every time i think of you
I feel shot right through with a bolt of blue
It's no problem of mine but it's a problem I find
Living a life that I can't leave behind
There's no sense in telling me
The wisdom of a fool won't set you free
But that's the way that it goes
And it's what nobody knows
While every day my confusion grows
Every time I see you falling
I get down on my knees and pray
I'm waiting for that final moment
You'll say the words that I can't say

I feel fine and I feel good
I'm feeling like I never should
Whenever I get this way, I just don't know what to say
Why can't we be ourselves like we were yesterday
I'm not sure what this could mean
I don't think you're what you seem
I do admit to myself
That if I hurt someone else
Then I'll never see just what we're meant to be
Every time I see you falling
I get down on my knees and pray
I'm waiting for that final moment
You'll say the words that I can't say


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嘿嘿,怎麼會想起這個名字 -- 只有天曉得啊。

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Gnarls Barkley, "Crazy"

I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind
There was something so crazy about that place
Even your emotions had an echo in so much space

And when you're out there - without care
Yeah I was out of touch
But it wasn't because I didn't know enough
I just knew too much

Does that make me Crazy?
Does that make me Crazy?
Does that make me Crazy?

And I hope that you are havin' the time of your life
But think twice, that's my only advice

Come on now who do you, who do you, who do you, who do you
think you are, ha ha ha, bless your soul
D'you really think you're in control

I think you're Crazy
I think you're Crazy
I think you're Crazy
Just like me

My heroes had the heart to live their lives out on a limb
And all I remember is thinkin' I wanna be like them.

Ever since I was little, ever since I was little it looked like fun
And there's no coincidence I've come
And I can die when I'm done

But maybe I'm Crazy
Maybe you're Crazy
Maybe we're Crazy

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Bono大概擁有近二十年來辨別度最高、卻也最多人仿效的嗓音。不過就像真品和A貨之間的微妙差別 -- Bono,一聽就知道是Bono。

以下是上世紀末U2世紀末風(我沒打錯你也沒看錯)的ZooTV演唱會實況。Achtung Baby裡的"Love Is Blindness",以及一首令人驚喜的老歌。

U2, "Love Is Blindness"

Love is blindness
I don't want to see
Won't you wrap the night
Around me
Oh my heart
Love is blindness

In a parked car
In a crowded street
You see your love
Made complete
Thread is ripping
The knot is slipping
Love is blindness

Love is clockworks
And cold steel
Fingers too numb to feel
Squeeze the handle
Blow out the candle
Love is blindness

Love is blindness
I don't want to see
Won't you wrap the night
Around me
Oh my love

A little death
Without mourning
No call
And no warning
Baby...a dangerous idea
That almost makes sense

Love is drowning
In a deep well
All the secrets
And no one to tell
Take the money

Love is blindness
I don't want to see
Won't you wrap the night
Around me
Oh my love

說出來大家別扁我,其實小時候我挺討厭U2,尤其是The Joshua Tree當紅的時候;那整張專輯我當時只喜歡"Red Hill Mining Town"一首歌 -- 好啦,後來我有悔過了好唄。要一直到Achtung Baby,我的心才再度為U2開啟。每隔一段時間,人生中(我的人生)便會出現全然陌生而奇妙莫名的聲音;對我來說,Achtung Baby就是這樣的聲音。仔細想起來,我對德文的迷戀似乎也是從這張專輯開始。


總之,ZooTV(Zooropa)時期的Bono慣常以Mephistopheles的造型(這個分身叫做MacPhisto)在舞台上出現。世紀末、魔鬼/詩人、動物園/歐洲、來自居爾特的天主教徒、虛幻/更勝真實 -- 頭上長出魔鬼頂角的搖滾神祇唱著「愛是盲目/我什麼都不想看見/就讓黑夜籠罩我吧」,接著他又唱到「可是,我情不自盡,墜入愛河,與你」……

1993年8月11日在倫敦的Wembley Stadium,舞台上的魔鬼梅菲斯特call out給被禁錮於>結界的現世浮士德Salman Rushdie魯西迪 -- 殊不知(當然是指懵懂無知的世人)遭到伊斯蘭法釋令敕命追殺的魯西迪就從人群中走上舞台,他說:

"I am not afraid of men who wear horns: I know who the real devils are!"

扯遠了。Bono的聲音在這裡可用「勾魂攝魄」來形容了,連The Edge傑出的吉他音牆都相形失色。就算就這樣簽下讓渡靈魂的賣身契,墮入地獄時也甘願斷折羽翼的痛楚吧。

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Scissor Sisters, "Comfortably Numb",翻唱Pink Floyd經典。



PS:話說到這裡,我一定要告訴大寶。當年我去那有閣樓陽台的夢幻公寓看剛出生的你時,你家裡真的有放Pink Floyd的卡帶。真是奇妙的胎教啊......

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Scissor Sisters, "I Don't Feel Like Dancing"新曲大公開。


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2005年的MTV電影獎上,召集了一群中年演員,紀念20年前他們用青春演出的YA經典The Breakfast Club>。Molly Ringwald、Ally Sheedy、Anthony Michael Hall和Judd Nelson都出席了,只缺Emilio Estevez。

所謂「早餐俱樂部」指的是一群被留校查看的中學生,每週六早上得到學校圖書館報到。這群少男少女來自不同的家庭背景:有運動員Emilio Estevez、怪美眉Ally Sheedy、千金大小姐Molly Ringwald、獨行俠Judd Nelson,以及乖寶寶Anthony Michael Hall。每個人在圖書館裡吃著(或者沒得吃)自個兒的早餐,心中盤算著自己難解的青春習題。

先來聽超經典的主題曲吧,堪稱Simple Minds的生涯代表作"Don't You Forget About Me"。

Simple Minds, "Don't You Forget About Me"

主唱Jim Kerr如孤犢般的長鳴,猶如八零年代青春期少年的吶喊。


在上述的電影獎中,MTV請來新生代的Yellocard獻唱20年後的新版"Don't You Forget About Me"。本來我都準備好面紙要拭淚了,結果……各位看官自己聽吧。

Yellowcard, "Don't You Forget About Me (Live on MTV Movie Award 2005)"

結果……又讓我親眼目睹一首好歌被屠殺了。我實在搞不懂現在的美國音樂人在想什麼,所謂的音樂態度就是擺出I don't give a damn about the song嗎?


(sighs) Why did the 80's have to disappear so bad??, I mean...WHAT HAVE WE DONE TO DESERVE SUCH A BAD MUSIC NOWADAYS such as Rap, Hip Hop and Alternative Rock????

我沒那麼渴望重回八零年代啦,至少我不想再看到墊肩和米粉燙。不過,至少 --拜託,能不能求求你們好好唱歌?我只想很沒品味很不酷地好好聽一首歌行不行啊?

PS: 其實那位Tony5682回應的是Tiffany的"I Think We're Alone Now"啦。

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